Amma, Look at me please!

Another beautiful day at Ashram but normal isin't the right word to describe the Love called Amma. Amma's Saturday Darshan was going on and multitudes of people had come once again. Some had smiling faces to tell Amma how happy they are just to be near Her. Others crying looking for Amma's benevolent look and Grace. It was absolutely beautiful. Like other residents of the Ashram, one gets a chance to sit by the side and watch all the emotions that pass by and Amma's beautiful Grace.

At some time, a girl on one side started crying to her aloud saying "Amma YOU dont even look at me..Please look at me". Amma did not pay attention first and then the girl kept insisting and few minutes started lamenting loud so we could all hear what she wanted from Amma. Amma suddenly stopped and looked at her and said "Every morning you describe in your prayers describing as the thousand-eyed One and you expect Me to look at you with these two eyes alone!" It was so profound and we enjoyed that little conversation. In Sri Lalita the Devi is honoured as "One who has a thousand Eyes." (#283 - Om Sahasraksyai Namah). Amma was reminding us all that the eyes are many and so many fold is the Divine Grace.

Later that evening, few of us having started describing same incident started talking about food. One of us was a very "food-friendly" person and can be noticed wherever good food is seen. So we were making fun saying that he prays to the Divine Mother in the form of Sri Annapoorneswari (Giver of Food). He, inspired by the same, immediately started pulling out all the famous food items mentioned as what Devi likes in Sri Lalita Sahasranama. He started saying "Oh there is Om Payasannapriyayai Namah(One who likes payasam or sweet pudding made of rice), Om kulamrtaika-rasikayai Namah(one who is fond of nectar known as kula), Om snigdhaudana-priyayai Namah (One who likes offerings containing ghee, oil and other fats), Om gudanna-prita manasayai Namah (one who is fond of sweet rice made with raw sugar), Om dadhyannasakta-hrdayayai Namah(One who particularly fond of offerings made of curd), Om mudgaudanasakta-cittayai Namah(One who is particularly fond of food offerings made with mung beans), Om haridrannaika-rasikayai Namah(One who is fond of food seasoned with turmeric), Om sarvaudana-prita cittayai Namah(One who is pleased with all offerings of food)..etc. If Mother likes all that..why not us.. i love all that too" and we all broke into laughter. It was almost midnight and we were having our dinner as Darshan ended late after a Pada puja.

Om Lokah Samastah Sukino Bhavantu.

Sri Lalita Sahasranama or 1000 names of Divine Mother was composed by Sri Adi Sankaracharya and is chanted every day at the Ashram. Each name starts with "Om" and ends with "Namah" so when each name is chanted it starts as "Salutations to the Eternal One who...". In the above text "Salutations to the Eternal" is left out in the use of the specific names.